Allied Academies

Nickolaos Kanellopoulos

Nickolaos Kanellopoulos
Research Director, Membranes for Environmental Separations Laboratory
Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN), Greece

N. Kanellopoulos is the Research Director of the Membranes for Environmental Separations Laboratory (MESL). His research interests are pore structure characterization nanoporous membranes and carbon nanotube arrays and their evaluation of their performance using a combination of in-situ and ex-situ techniques. He is author and co-author of more than 160 publications in peer-reviewed Journals and he is the editor of five books in the field of nanoporous membrane applications. He has received total funding from over 55 European and national programs of the order of 12 million Euros and he participates in two high technology companies in the field of nanoporous materials. He participated in the National representation committee of Greece for the FP6-NMP and FP7-NMP European programs in Nanotechnology from 2001-2009. He was the coordinator of the European Network of Excellence in nanotechnology and he was the coordinator of the Committee for the preparation and submission of the proposal for a Greek National Nanotechnology program. He is a member of National Committee for Nanoscience, Materials and Processes over the past ten years, the president of the Greek Fulbright Scholars Association for eight years and since 2011 he is the president of the National Research Center Demokritos.

Research Interest

Nanoscience, Nanotechnology

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